The UC Consortium for Black Studies in California invites applications for the call for intercampus travel grants for ladder-rank faculty, graduate and undergraduate students working in the field of Black Studies from any campus in the University of California system. These grants are intended to facilitate cross-campus collaboration, and will fund faculty and students to attend events or initiate/plan/conduct collaborative research on a UC campus other than their own. Faculty cannot be on leave.  Students must be enrolled during the academic year of funding and also during the quarter when travel occurs.  All travel must be completed by October 31, 2018.

While grant amounts will vary, we anticipate that the average amount per grant will be in the $300 to $350 range, and will be based on availability of funding at the time of submission.

Special priority will be placed on attending events co-sponsored by the Consortium, and funding students and untenured faculty whose resources may be more limited. All grant recipients will be expected to present their reimbursement requests with original receipts within 45 days upon completion of travel. We will not be able to honor any reimbursements requests received after the 45 day limit.  Submit your application prior to the event date.  Retroactive requests will not be funded.

Please confirm submission and direct inquiries to

  1. Coversheet & Budget Template (download for use)
  2. Travel grant proposal (in pdf format; max 250 words)
  3. CV (in pdf format; max 3 pages)

Upload each of these documents into the box below (one at a time), using the following naming convention:

Cover sheet and budget: lastname_firstname_coversheet.xlsx

Statement of project: lastname_firstname_statement.pdf

CV: lastname_firstname_CV.pdf