The UCSB Center for Black Studies Research Presents:
50 Years of the Black Panther Party:
Revolutionary Art and the Black Radical Tradition
Featuring Emory Douglas and Akinsanya Kambon
Fifty years after the formation of the Black Panther Party, the cultural work of Panther artists continues to inform and inspire the activism of today’s freedom movements. We proudly host Emory Douglas and Akinsanya Kambon at UCSB to explore the origins and development of their artwork and reflect on their ongoing commitments and contributions to the liberation of communities across the globe.
Emory Douglas, revolutionary artist and Minister of Culture of the BPP, created the most iconic art of the BPP. His powerful style and graphic designs inspire the work of activists and artists globally, including the Zapatistas, Cubans, and Maori.
Akinsanya Kambon, author of the Black Panther Coloring Book, draws from his Panther past, extensive travels, and fine arts education to create magnificent sculptures, paintings, watercolors, and drawings depicting Black suffering, pan-African culture, and persistent humanization.
Clyde Woods Memorial Lecture
“Revolutionary Art and Black Liberation: The Black Panther Party to Black Lives Matter and Beyond”
Monday, November 14, 2016, 6 – 8 PM, MultiCultural Center Theater
Emory Douglas and Akinsanya Kambon, in conversation with professors Felice Blake and Diane Fujino, will deliver a presentation on the role of art in cultivating a radical imagination and developing activist practices.
Followed by a reception for the art exhibit, “50 Years and Counting: The Revolutionary Art of the Black Panther Party,”running throughout Fall 2016 at the MultiCultural Center, hosted by the MCC.
Monday, November 14, 8 PM, MCC Lounge
For more information, contact Professor Diane Fujino, CBSR director, at or Rosa Pinter at or (805) 893-3914.